A Short Overview on the History of Oral Implantology
After the 2nd World War oral implantology had been invented by Prof. L. Linkow in New York / USA. His methods were dominating the treatments around the world until in the late 1980ies. Then P. I. Branemark discovered (by chance) that bone has the ability to grow on titanium surfaces. This was actually nothing new for implantologists - they had been working with implants made from titanium or titanium-alloy for decades.
After P.I. Branemark had published his findings the Method of Osseointegration was proclaimed by the dental implant industry. Although this method came with a lot of disadvantages, like long healing times, the necessity to augment bone, the high costs of the devices as well as for the treatment, it became popular and widely used. There was no other method of treatment available at that time.
The German dentist Prof. Dr. S. Ihde united after 1998 knowledge of the existing oral implantology and the experiences which traumatologist had made and he introduced the new Method of Osseofixation into the oral implant profession. In other words: today there are two completely different methods for oral implantology, and both are scientifically proven and accepted. Due to the enormous advantage the Method of Osseofixation is much more accepted by the patients, who can today choose between both types of treatments.
Since 2006, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ihde has been working and teaching teams of modern implantologists around the world. This way, treatments according to the Method of Osseofixation became available on all continents. His students work today world-wide with his method, and they are celebrating the birthday of their Guru as the „Strategic Implantology Day“ every year. They designate Prof. Dr. Stefan Ihde as „The Father of Modern Implantology“ which shows a deep rooting thankfulness for his scientific life’s work and the development of a fully new method for oral implantology. In fact, with his work Prof. Dr. Stefan Ihde has solved all existing problems of the old Method of Osseointegration: bone augmentations are not required any more, all treatments can be done in immediate functional loading protocols, the implants may be placed at all ages of the patients and regardless of pre-existing diseases, and - most importantly - Periimplantitis (PI) does not appear around the Strategic Implant® and Corticobasal® implants. At the same time, treatment costs are considerably lower compared to treatments done through the Method of Osseointegration. After his method became available, patients were for the first time able to decide for a life without their “own” teeth, which brought them often only heavy burdens and costs.

Prof. Dr. S. Ihde spends most of his working time with patient treatments. In the clinic “Simpladent® Montenegro” he and his wife, Prof. A. Ihde, provide implant treatments using the Method of Ossefixation. Only Swiss-made Strategic Implant® and BECES® Brand implants are used for treatments.
This treatment method has the following advantages for you:
- Treatments are completed on average in 3 days, using final full zirconium bridges on the Strategic Implant®
- No bone augmentation is ever necessary
- The Strategic Implant® does not lead to the dangerous side-effect which osseointegrated (rough surfaced) implants have: Peri-Implantitis (article part 1 as PDF, article part 2 as PDF) will not appear in our patients at all. Ideally, the Strategic Implant® will last for all life.
- While a large number of sicknesses are deemed a contra-indication for applying the Method of Osseointegration, almost all of these contra-indications do not apply to the Method of Ossofixation. Therefore no "patient selection" is done by qualified treatment providers. The method is available virtually for everybody.
- The Strategic Implant® is available only in specialized dental offices and clinics, where treatment providers have (for your safety) undergone a lengthy training and exams.